Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Writer Writes, Right?

Conversation with myself, moments ago:

I should write something.

Why’s that?

Writer’s group is tomorrow, and I haven’t written anything yet.

Okay. Go ahead.

I don’t wanna.

What? Why not?

I’m tired. And I’m not inspired.


So . . . . it feels like a chore.

Oh. What are you gonna do?

Take a nap.


Maybe. I’ll have more energy.

Um, not necessarily. But you still won’t have anything to share with those WOW ladies of yours.

I know. Sigh.

Why don’t you work on your branding stuff?

I’m tired of that right now. It’s getting to the “decision-making-and-focused-writing” stage.

But that’s good, right?

Right. But I have to be inspired to do it.

Won’t inspiration come if you just dig in and start?


Well then, go for it.


No, not maybe. Do it. Set the timer for 20 minutes and do whatever you can during that time.

Okay, you talked me into it.

Good. ‘Cause a writer writes, right?

Right. I’ll get my cup of coffee and set that timer.

                That’s my girl! On your mark, get set, GO!