Thursday, September 27, 2012

Excuse Me, God, Was That Really You Speaking?

Sacrifice of Isaac, Giovanni Tiepolo, c. 1726
What would you do if God asked you to do something that seemed contrary to his nature or the promises he has given you?

Would you think you were hearing from the enemy? Would you run the other way? Would you wonder if you were crazy?

I wonder what thoughts went through Abraham's head when God told him to take his son Isaac and sacrifice him on Mt. Moriah.

Did Abraham test the word? Did he ask himself if that was what God really said, what he really meant? Did he wonder how on earth God would bring his promise of descendants beyond number . . . through this promised son . . . . . to pass if he offered Isaac up as a burnt sacrifice?

Whatever emotions or rationalizations flitted through his head, Abraham chose to believe God rather than his own limited understanding. He obeyed God's instruction to him.

For, "against all hope, Abraham in hope believed . . . . being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised" (Romans 4:18a, 21, NIV).

And on the mount of the Lord it was provided, for God provided a ram to take Isaac's place on the altar.

What has the Lord been whispering in your ear lately? Is he asking you to take a step of faith? To traipse up the mountain and lay an offering that's dear to your heart on the altar?

Don't fear! Be strong and of good courage!

Against all hope, in hope believe . . . . being fully persuaded that God has the power to do all that he's promised you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Letter to Heaven


Dear Brendan,

I can hardly believe it's been 10 years since you went to be with Jesus. Ten years since I realized God chose to heal your little body on His side of heaven rather than on ours.

I'm sure that time in heaven passes differently than it does on earth. And just because you were 25 days old when you left for heaven doesn't mean you were a baby when you arrived.

I often wonder what you're like now. Do you look like Daddy or like one of your siblings? What's your personality like? Are you bubbly? Reserved? A peacemaker? A go-getter?

What does a typical day hold for you in heaven? Do you attend some sort of school or training "classes"? Do you worship with the angels? Do you sit at Jesus' feet?

Did you greet Gandpa when he arrived earlier this month? Have you been giving him a tour of heaven and showing him the ropes up there?

Daddy and I love and miss you, sweet Brendan. I am ever grateful for the time YHWH gave us with you on earth--9 months plus 25 precious days. And that we get to spend eternity together in heaven.

Happy "entering heaven" day to you, my precious Burrito Baby.

All my love,