Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do you like peperoncinis? Try this tasty trick!

If you like peperoncinis, you may enjoy a treat I discovered this summer. I call it "peperoncini-pickled green beans." My garden produced only a handful of green beans a week, which wasn't really enough to do anything with. I decided to put some of them in the peperoncini jar and see what happened. After they marinated for a week or so, I tried my first "peperoncini-pickled green bean." It was good! Now I buy frozen green beans and stick them in the empty jars. Not only is it tasty and cost-effective, it reuses the pickling juice.

If you try this and like it, be sure to let me know. I'd love to hear about your experience.


  1. Welcome to blogland. My husband will love the recipe!

  2. Thank you, Jan :-) Let me know if he likes them. My husband is finicky about texture differences, but some friends enjoyed them.
