Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great Expectations of the Realistic Variety

A couple of weeks ago I was frustrated with myself. I was trying to "verbalize" the premise to a book I'm working on, and it seemed like I just could not pull my thoughts together.

"This shouldn't be so hard," I chided myself. Why was it taking so long for me to wade through my thoughts and to create a few simple paragraphs that would capture and convey them?

I worked on this one simple task all week--sitting down with the computer for a couple of hours each night, then putting it up in frustration before I had made much progress. I faithfully kept working at it, though, and little by little it came together. By the end of week I had completed the project, and felt proud of the accomplishment and how it had turned out.

My dear friend Terri had encouraged me in the midst of my struggle. She shared that sometimes we have "perfectionistic, idealistic ideas of what [we] should get done," which don't necessarily line up with reality. If we focus on doing what God wants us to do, He will take care of the rest. He is, after all, quite good at being the Master of the Universe and all that :-)

It is good to remind ourselves every so often (or encourage a friend to remember) that our expectations--especially our expectations of ourselves--are not always realistic. As a wife, as a mother, as a teacher, as a Bible study leader, as a _____________ (you fill in the blank). Let's just be faithful to what we can see, and trust God to be faithful with the rest.

Whether it is weekly, daily, hourly, or moment by moment . . . . He is "all over that"!

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