Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Note To Self

Note to Self No. 2274:

One should not attempt to can watermelon rind pickles when one is multi-tasking and caring for five children.

A number of difficulties may present themselves, including but not limited to the following--

Uncertainty as to how transparent the pickles should become while cooking. This may lead to cooking the syrup down to Karo syrup consistency, which doesn't leave enough liquid to actually can the pickles.

When looking for the pickling spices, one realizes they threw the bag away since it hadn't been used it in two years and one assumed they wouldn't make pickles again. This oversight leads to spending an hour and an exorbitant amount of money to find and purchase said pickling spices at a local grocery store.

Finding and accessing the canning supplies involves the Herculean feat of cleaning out the understairs closet so one can access them. The resulting mess can exacerbate ones' husband.

Once canning supplies have been unearthed, they require additional time to resterilize. By this time, additional syrup added to the pickles has helped thin the consistency, but the pickles are already candied and there isn't enough syrup to effectively can said pickles.

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